Stay healthy with ALPHA LIPID™ Colostrum today!

Last Updated on 07 September 2007

The world is full of advice on how you can become healthy or stay healthy. We all know that we need to exercise and have a proper diet in order to do so, yet many of us have very time-strapped and stressful lives, terrible diets and are exposed to pollution and pathogens, which causes illnesses.

ALPHA LIPID™ ColostrumEmbrace Colostrum, “nature’s first food” – Colostrum is the pre-milk fluid that all female mammals give to their newborn baby in the first few days after birth!

Pathogens enter your body through the eyes, nose and mouth, and from there they make their way into your gut! While your gut contains antibodies, these are often not sufficient to fight the microbes that you are exposed to every day! When these germs are attached to your gut wall, they begin to multiply freely, causing disease.

With a regular intake of ALPHA LIPID™ Colostrum, you will have a good intake of antibodies to adhere to the germs so it cannot attach to the gut wall.

ALPHA LIPID™ Colostrum also contains other immune factors that help to boost your system and growth factors to help your body repair itself and heal more effectively. You will find that you will have:

  • Accelerated fat burning, increased bone density and lean muscle mass
  • Increased energy levels and better recovery times
  • Wound and tissue healting (Anti inflammatory properties)
  • Reduced wrinkling (Anti-Ageing)

ALPHA LIPID™ Colostrum is the ultimate wellness defender – it is the only supplement that contains natural antibodies that defend the type of illnesses we are exposed to every single day. It is available in 2 forms – capsules and powder, so you can get your antibodies, the way you want to.

The cost of the products are as follows:

  • ALPHA LIPID™ Colostrum Capsules (120 cap) – SDG$87.50
  • ALPHA LIPID™ LIFELINEā„¢ Powder (450g) – SDG$78

Get your supply of Colostrum today! For details, call Mr Benson Ma at 91055927 or drop us a mail using the form below!

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